Full Course


Before GST
*SkillsFuture Credits is not applicable.

Blended Learning

Course Overview

The Venipuncture and Cannulation course is designed for healthcare professionals such as dentists and nurses to be equipped with the knowledge and skills in performing these skills effectively and efficiently to the patient.

Language Medium


Type of Training

At ALO, we have both Blended Learning and Face to Face Classroom training.


Blended Learning
Full Course –8 hours (Online Learning) + 8 hours (Hands on Practical + Assessment)

Learning Outcome

Explain the basic anatomy and physiology of the venous system and of the upper extremity used in venepuncture.
State the protocol and guidelines in venepuncture and peripheral intravenous cannulation
Recognise and prepare the types of equipment/items and the documentary requirements for venepuncture and peripheral intravenous cannulation
State the criteria for selection veins
Relate the standard precautions and practices with blood sample taking.
State the basic principles in venepuncture and peripheral intravenous cannulation
Perform venepuncture and peripheral intravenous cannulation correctly and safely
Discuss role and responsibilities in managing complications of venepuncture and peripheral intravenous cannulation


Participants that met the minimum requirements and passed both theory and practical assessment will receive a “Letter of Completion” -Venipuncture and IV cannulation by 1 ALO Medical Holdings P/L

Venipuncture and Cannulation Course